Lynn M. Tesser
Europe’s pivotal peace projects: ethnic separation and European integration

EU enlargement into Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) often intensifies political debates deeply mired in the past. Yet, the collective memories enabling controversy are linked with a largely forgotten source: Western powers’ earlier stability strategy centered on the replacement of multinational empires with relatively homogeneous nation-states. Key policy-makers’ emphasis on the territorial separation of peoples brought widespread trends towards ethnic unmixing. The shift to the European Coal and Steel Community and European integration for long-term stability contributed to amnesia of the earlier emphasis on ethnic separation for Europe’s eastern half – even while reappearing in the recent Balkan conflicts. After outlining the sizeable impact of ethnic separation as a stability strategy, this report explains why the subsequent shift to European integration may unintentionally enhance fears of renewed irredentism. EU enlargement creates an unprecedented opportunity for the return of former minorities – and new opportunities for nationalists to characterize their return as a prelude to revanchism.

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EU enlargement into Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) often intensifies political debates deeply mired in the past. Yet, the collective memories enabling controversy are linked with a largely forgotten source: Western powers’ earlier stability strategy centered on the replacement of multinational empires with relatively homogeneous nation-states. Key policy-makers’ emphasis on the territorial separation of peoples brought widespread trends towards ethnic unmixing. The shift to the European
Coal and Steel Community and European integration for long-term stability contributed to amnesia of the earlier emphasis on ethnic separation for Europe’s eastern half – even while reappearing in the recent Balkan conflicts. After outlining the sizeable impact of ethnic separation as a stability strategy, this report explains why the subsequent shift to European integration may unintentionally enhance fears of renewed irredentism. EU enlargement creates an unprecedented opportunity for the return of former minorities – and new opportunities for nationalists to characterize their return as a prelude to revanchism.

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